Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A Willing Heart, Unwilling to Back Down~

Peter, once a mere fisherman, was crucified upside down for his belief in Christ and his discipleship. It's obvious that Christ was at work in Peter's heart, explaining what exactly was behind this powerful willingness to die a martyr. However, Peter was malleable, and allowed Christ's teachings over the years sink into him. In today's time, I'm pretty sure we are getting the exact same messages that Peter got~the gospel is still alive today! However, if this is so, where is that drive to spread the good news and walk to the ends of the earth for our faith? Yeah, we aren't all called into missions-the work in missions doesn't quite match up with everyone else's strengths and weaknesses. But this does not mean that our faith and discipleship is limited. There are an abundance of ways to proclaim you faith, unafraid, and spread the good news. And in whatever we do, Peter's death must be an example of how far our faith should take us in life. We must be willing to die for our faith, and unwilling to back down.

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