Saturday, September 27, 2014

Spiritual Warfare~

I feel like getting something out there... So I want to blog on a topic I recently experienced in my own life. Spiritual warfare, the fight between good and evil, is more real than ever here on Earth. I know it's hard to believe that angels and demons are battling all around us, but it can be seen in the hardships a Christian is forced to go through.

This past month, I have been inviting a non-believer to church, and have began a bible study with the hope that God will use myself and the study to lead him, the non-believer, to the foot of the cross. However, around this same time, I have been battling anxiety and panic attacks that are trying to shape me into something, or someone, that I'm not. At one point, I completely threw God to the side, and forgot my spiritual routines such as praying and reading the Bible before bed. I believe this particular instance was the work of the Devil.

I am now back on track, but if you look at your life as a believer, haven't you been tried at least once? Did you know that many international missionaries experience trouble getting out of the country because they experience bizarre instances and scenarios that almost keep them from leaving? It's so real, yet invisible to us in a way! However, we know this great spiritual battle has a most glorious champion, that champion being Jesus. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Others First~

I had a quote that was recently shared with me, and it was more relatable than anything I had read in a long while. It seems that often times, I get so caught up in myself that I put myself and my own well-being before others and their feelings. This is meant to be a simple post, as the quote I am about to share came to me in simple "text" form and that allowed for all of the more reflection on my part. So maybe if I don't comment, it will give you a chance to reflect more personally. 

"If you want to live an amazingly fulfilling life, you must live for something bigger than yourself. Stop trying to make yourself happy or comfortable and start focusing on making a difference in someone else’s life."

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Buckle Down~

1 Corinthians 15:58 says, "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." Does this verse encourage you? Excite you? When reading this verse, I don't see a Sunday morning church service, or a few Christians walking the halls at school. I see something inexorable, missionaries walking the streets of foreign lands, and others trekking the deserts or wild lands of places I've never been. I also see mission-minded people walking the local streets of Whiteland.  I see a tightly woven group of Christians marching in faith, going from town to town, family to family, person to person, proclaiming their faith without fear of the consequential outcomes.  This picture/imagery portrays just what it means to be steadfast, immovable, and complete the work of the Lord. I believe God has every Christian painted into this great hanging portrait up in heaven, but some of us are like dried up paint, or are taking to a dark shade, unwilling to brighten up the world God is seeking to turn into the masterpiece it once was. I know I want to be in this painting! I believe this faith-driven life that Paul clearly demonstrates in 1 Corinthians is right in our fingertips, and we just have to seek after the Scriptures, buckle down our fears, and start living with a faith that is both steadfast and immovable.  We must always keep our heart focused on completing the work of the Lord.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A Willing Heart, Unwilling to Back Down~

Peter, once a mere fisherman, was crucified upside down for his belief in Christ and his discipleship. It's obvious that Christ was at work in Peter's heart, explaining what exactly was behind this powerful willingness to die a martyr. However, Peter was malleable, and allowed Christ's teachings over the years sink into him. In today's time, I'm pretty sure we are getting the exact same messages that Peter got~the gospel is still alive today! However, if this is so, where is that drive to spread the good news and walk to the ends of the earth for our faith? Yeah, we aren't all called into missions-the work in missions doesn't quite match up with everyone else's strengths and weaknesses. But this does not mean that our faith and discipleship is limited. There are an abundance of ways to proclaim you faith, unafraid, and spread the good news. And in whatever we do, Peter's death must be an example of how far our faith should take us in life. We must be willing to die for our faith, and unwilling to back down.