Thursday, November 6, 2014

Christ's Redeeming Love~

I recently read David Kinnaman's UnChristian, an eye-opening read in which Christianity was retold through the eyes of a new generation. The statistics and facts all supported the point that modern-day Chrisianity has a dangerous image problem that is turning people away from Christ. The author focused on key reasons so many people are repelled by what the Christian Church has to offer. One of these reasons was that "Modern Christians are Perceived as Being Anti-homosexuality". The sad part is that I, as a fellow believer, completely agree with this. Having a lesbian friend at school, I know the hardships of those who are attracted to the same sex. Although this issue makes many feel squirmy and uncomfortable, the topic of homosexuality needs to be addressed, as an emerging generation of believers is in the midst of a Gay Rights Movement.
The authors of the book probably put it best, but I'd like to reiterate what was said with a little bit of an alternative spin on things. First of all, the bible does forbid homosexuality. Knowing this, we know that we do not have to agree with the sexual preferences of those around us. However, we do need to love these people whole-heartedly, and share with them Christ's redeeming love. Being "Same-Sex-Attracted" is an extremely difficult struggle that can make one feel like they're unable to live a deep, well-grounded life. However, if we share our own love, and Christ's great love with these unique people, we can help them overcome the tough barriers ahead of them. This means that we can help homosexuals in reaching sexual celibacy along with sexual purity. However, in doing this, Christians can get a little judgemental, and some don't even think to give a hand to homosexuals, and these leads to what society might call "Gay-Hating". These are the people who publicly crack jokes about gays, and insult gays because they are abnormal and are hard to relate with. Let's maybe alter this approach. We should love on people's of all kinds, even if we don't agree with their decisions. If you can help a homosexual reach sexual celibacy, great! If not, your love should remain unaltered. Would God love you any less if you committed a sin? Regardless of your feelings on this topic, the Christian Church must at least be willing to share the news of Christ's Redeeming love for all.

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