Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Resigning Position

    I have been a control freak since the day I was born.  Thanks to the science of genetics, I snatched both of my parents "OCD" genes and am now more obsessive and controlling than ever.  Routines are my best friend in life.  I've got my 15 minute morning routine, the at-school daily routine, and the after-school schedule to follow and complete. However, there will come a horrible day in my perfectly scheduled week where-BANG!-something goes wrong.  From that moment on, frustration usually limits the sense of success I feel for the rest of the week. I'm ruined.

   A couple of weeks back, I had a week that threw me way out of wack that taught me a valuable lesson, nobody's perfect.  I realized that in life, we are faced with situations that are out of our league...they're in God's league. "God is in control"---it's the simple phrase parents recite to their worrisome kids, the quote that has answered many past problems.  For a while, I found myself so caught up in this life's over-sized hurdles that I forgot about the Almighty creator who is really in control.  The one who saw wickedness in Noah's time. The one who saved his people from Babylonian captivity and Egyptian enslavement.  That  same God is reigning today, and that same God deserves our trust.  So today, lay down your burdens, and let God take the captain position of your boat.  The one who can sense the ocean swells of life before you can.  
**Proverbs 3:5**---
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

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