Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lasting Love

It is a truth that no one can fully grasp in this life time.  However, I feel like often times God's love is something that we are ignorant of and something that flows right through us without any reflection.  Whether this is because we are lost trying to make sense of the quality, or if we just refuse to accept it, God's love for us is unconditional, eternal, and drives deep into the soul.  I used to be a frequent worrier in which I would usually question God-I hated not being able to understand the concept of his eternal being and reign...I sought after an answer early on.  I remember one night in bed, my mom told me something after one of my worry fits.  "God loves you more than we, as parents, do.  As your mom, I find that astonishing."  Right then and there, I realized the intensity of God's unconditional love and just how wide open his arms were to comfort me in the midst of heartache and doubt.  God loves you to no end when trapped in a dark, shadow-lined valley, and on the peaks of life's highs, when you feel unstoppable.  He keeps on loving you.

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