This past month, I have been inviting a non-believer to church, and have began a bible study with the hope that God will use myself and the study to lead him, the non-believer, to the foot of the cross. However, around this same time, I have been battling anxiety and panic attacks that are trying to shape me into something, or someone, that I'm not. At one point, I completely threw God to the side, and forgot my spiritual routines such as praying and reading the Bible before bed. I believe this particular instance was the work of the Devil.
I am now back on track, but if you look at your life as a believer, haven't you been tried at least once? Did you know that many international missionaries experience trouble getting out of the country because they experience bizarre instances and scenarios that almost keep them from leaving? It's so real, yet invisible to us in a way! However, we know this great spiritual battle has a most glorious champion, that champion being Jesus.